Fun Facts
I am a fifth generation Californian. Some of my ancestors came here in the 1850s during the Gold Rush.
I once lived in a geodesic dome in Ithaca, N.Y.
There’s a stage at the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival named after my first book. It’s the Towers of Gold stage. Dolly Parton played there.
The only article I tried to write in college was on the history of coffee. It was rejected.
My first article in print was for Plexus: the San Francisco Women’s Newspaper.
I have one front-page New York Times story to my name. It was about a farmer willing to sell his land for a low-level radioactive waste dump in Cortland County, N.Y.
My house burned down in a fire in the Bay Area in 1991.
St. Martin’s Press misspelled my last name on the jacket of my book, Tangled Vines.
I love to read, both fiction and nonfiction. I average about 60 books a year.